Now playing
year |
1960s |
author |
Piotr Muskała, Jerzy Müller |
format |
2'07, B&W |
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AKF Cyklop, Piekary Śląskie |
year |
1960s |
author |
Piotr Muskała, Jerzy Müller |
format |
02'07, B&W |
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genre |
feature |
club |
AKF Cyklop, Piekary Śląskie |
tags |
home, humour, private, dream, poem |
A man wearing cap and goggles, a typical pilot’s outfit, is having a bath. While he’s bathing, a bottle with a message emerges from the water, followed by a woman dressed in black. She delivers a telegram, warning the pilot that the reserves of potable water are not endless. The woman in black disappears down the toilet.
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Bathing — Enthusiasts Archive